I was reading the book, ‘Blessed Unrest’ by Paul Hawken and came across this amazing passage.
“The term 'solving for patterns' was coined by Wendell Berry, and refers to solutions that address multiple problems instead of one. Solving for pattern arises naturally when one perceives problems as symptoms of systemic failure, rather than as random errors requiring anodynes. For example sustainable agriculture addresses a number of issues simultaneously: It reduces agricultural run off, which is the main cause of eutrophication and dead zones in lakes and estuaries, and oceans; it reduces the use of energy intensive nitrogen based fertilizers; it it ameliorates climate change, because organic soil sequesters carbon, whereas industrial releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and is the second greatest cause of climate change after fossil fuel combustion; it improves workers health because of absence of toxic pesticides; it allows soil to retain more moisture and is thus less reliant on irrigation and outside sources of water; it is more productive than conventional agriculture; it is less susceptible to erosion; and it provides habitat for pollinators, birds, and beneficial insects, which promote biodiversity. On top of all that the resulting food commands a premium in the market, making small farms economically viable. Solving for patterns is a de facto approach to the movement because it is resource constrained. It cannot afford “fixes”, only solutions”.
I feel that the same thing can be seen in gandhian perspective in case of some of his vows.
If we decide to have ‘swadeshi’ or local then we avoid creating so many problems or create a whole pattern of solutions. It takes care of localization, food miles, employment generation, low carbon emissions. Or we might take the idea of ahimsa and if we have that as a guiding force we would see the himsa in a concrete house and go for a mud house. This would also be using local resources in the end. Or if swadeshi was a guiding force then too we will not go for a concrete house.
If we offer sytemic solutions or solve for patterns it can go to the root of the issues.
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